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1. Getting Official with Multi-arch Images

This section goes through the official Docker repositories for building images and what multi-architecture images are and how to spot them.

If Using Proxy

If using proxy, make sure you've read 0-ProxyPSA and have set your http_proxy, https_proxy, and no_proxy variables for your environment as specified there. Also note that for all docker run commands add the -e for each of the proxy environment variables as specified in that 0-ProxyPSA document.

Official Repositories

Docker Official Images are a special set of Docker repositories on DockerHub that host images for operating systems and base software that follow Dockerfile best practices and undergo regular security scans to allow them to serve as building blocks for your applications. These repositories are where you get the images to build your applications on top of.

Check out the Docker Official Images here

We will specifically be looking at building Node.js and Go applications, so we will use the Node.js Official Docker Image and the Golang Official Docker Image repositories. These images are multi-arch which means they support multiple architectures. All official images are multi-arch.

How do we know if these images support both s390x and x86?

If we look at the supported architectures under the Quick reference section on Docker Hub, we can see both images support both the x86 [amd64] and LinuxONE/z [s390x] architectures. :)


If not otherwise noted in documentation, containers are assumed to use Linux as the operating system.

docker golang architectures This means that if I run docker pull node on linux on Z, it will pull me the s390x image. Similarly, if I run docker pull node on x86, it will pull me the x86 image. Thus, once the image is built and set up as multi-arch, the difference is abstracted away from applications using the image (such as a node application built using the Node.js official image as the base) [i.e. FROM node works on both x86 and s390x].

How do Multi-Arch Images Work

A Multi-Arch image consists of a manifest list. This manifest list links its image (i.e. each Node.js image on the Node.js Official Docker Repository) to the image manifests of the docker images for the different architectures at s390x node image, amd64 node image, etc. This is how the magic happens, so instead of having to call the image for each architecture, I can just docker pull node and it gives me the correct architecture image. Nevertheless, there are official repositories that hold the official images for each architecture. This is where you can find the specific images linked to in the official image as in the example above.

For IBM Z, we have: Official s390x images such as the s390x node and s390x golang images.

For x86, we have official amd64 images such as the amd64 node and amd64 golang images

Other architectures such as Power and arm32 have their own repositories as well.

Checking Image Architecture

Many times you will want to find out if an image supports your architecture. If it doesn't and you try to run it, you can get a nasty little error.


standard_init_linux.go:185: exec user process caused "exec format error"

This stops your container from working. In hopes to avoid that trouble once we've already spent the time to pull the image and try to run it, here are the best ways to check images for their architecture.

I. If the image exists on your system use docker inspect

Assume I ran previously:

docker pull busybox

Now, I can run:

docker inspect -f '{{.Architecture}}' busybox

Inspect for Architecture Docker

But what if the image isn't on your system?

docker inspect -f '{{.Architecture}}' alpine

Inspect Unsuccessful Alpine

In order to fix this you would have to pull the image and then inspect it:

docker pull alpine && docker inspect -f '{{.Architecture}}' alpine

Time-Consuming Docker Inspect

The problem with this is that you would potentially have to download some large images just to check if they are for your architecture, which is time-consuming and a waste of space.

II. If the image isn't on your system, use the mplatform/mquery docker image

docker run --rm mplatform/mquery ibmcom/icp-nodejs-sample
docker run --rm -e http_proxy=%http_proxy% -e https_proxy=%https_proxy% -e no_proxy="%no_proxy%" mplatform/mquery ibmcom/icp-nodejs-sample

where %http_proxy%, etc. are environment variables previously set in windows to the value of the http_proxy with set http_proxy=yourproxyaddress:yourproxyport.

For mac/linux you would set with http_proxy=yourproxyaddress:yourproxyport and reference with $http_proxy

Mquery Nodejs Sample

The mquery image is "A simple utility and backend for querying Docker v2 API-supporting registry images and reporting on manifest list multi-platform image support" (mquery project github page) which tells us which architectures a given image supports by checking its manifest list. If it is an image with no manifest list, it will tell us that (and which arch it supports) instead.

docker run --rm mplatform/mquery s390x/node
docker run --rm -e http_proxy=%http_proxy% -e https_proxy=%https_proxy% -e no_proxy="%no_proxy%" mplatform/mquery s390x/node

s390x Node mplatform Mquery


You can also use the manifest-tool itself to do this, but the manifest-tool needs to be installed first and gives more verbose output. The other alternative, the docker manifest inspect command doesn't work for all supported registries yet, (it continues to be improved) and needs to be enabled (it's currently experimental). Thus, using the mquery image is generally better for checking arch support quickly.

Knowing that the exec format error can be a thing of the past fills you with determination.

Next up, we will build some Node.js docker images and learn some Node.js docker best practices.

Part 2: Learning How to Build Best-practice Node.js Docker Images